Living in the Present During the Holidays

Well, here we are, in full swing of the holidays. The season that is meant to be holly, jolly and cheerful. Yet for most of us, we throw our sanity out the window and try to check off all of our to-do lists before December 24th.


There are things to do, people to see, places to go, and it never seems to stop! (or at least it feels that way). Before you know it, the time you were supposed to spend with family and friends has flown out the window and we’re on to the next season.


Sometimes we have expectations (reasonable or not) of ourselves during this season, and we’re so busy trying to live up to them that we forget WHY we are here. The holiday season tends to bring opportunities that allow us to see out-of-town relatives or friends that we don?? always get to spend time with. Though it may be tempting to rush through this season and just “”get it over with,”” this season can bring a new mindset that can last through 2019 and into 2020 as well.

As you’re checking off your to-do lists, making meals, wrapping gifts, etc., don’t forget to look around and enjoy the moment you’re in and the people you’re with. Whether that means allowing others to help you with your to-do list, playing hot potato with the can of green beans in the grocery store, or just sitting and listening to past holiday stories from loved ones, make sure you take the TIME to be PRESENT this holiday season.


The following list, from Jenny at, is a great reminder of ways we can be present in the lives of those we know and those we have the opportunity to get to know:






Just in case you didn?? hear it last Monday??YOU are good enough, YOU are loved, and YOU are worthy! Have a great week TMS Solutions!


Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory

— Dr. Suess


Life moves pretty fast. If you don?? stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.  — Ferris Bueller