A Healthy Mind is a Happy Mind

Did you know that food can physically change your brain? According to Mental Health America, “”Diet is linked to the hippocampus, a key area of the brain involved in learning, memory, and mental health. People with healthy diets have more hippocampal volume than those with unhealthy diets.”” Eating an adequate amount of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, olive oil, and other healthy foods, while eating less junk food and processed foods, can be an effective treatment strategy for depression.


Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables and limited processed foods can help reduce symptoms of depression.  According to a recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE, it was determined that depression scores dropped significantly (from moderate to normal) after test subjects followed a Mediterranean-style pattern of eating for three weeks.



Here are some changes YOU can make to your diet to help keep a healthy, happy mind!

  1. Eat breakfast DAILY that is high in protein and fiber
  2. At the beginning of the week, prepare healthy snacks that are easy to grab-and-go so you’re not tempted by fast food or the potato chips
  3. Bake or roast instead of frying
  4. Don?? shop without a list (or on an empty stomach)
  5. Be sure to eat your fruits instead of drinking them
  6. Drink a large glass of water before you eat every meal, and replace your sugary beverages with sparkling or infused water
  7. Cook at home more often
  8. Eat fresh berries instead of dried ones
  9. Get an optimal amount of sleep per night
  10. Try to add at least one more day of exercise into your life!



If you’re struggling to make small changes, don’t be afraid to reach out! In case you forgot – YOU matter, YOU are good enough, and YOU are loved!


Happy Monday TMS team–keep up the good work!