How to Beat the Post Holiday Blues

After a few (short) days, or a couple days off, coming back to the office can be tough. The holiday cheeriness is gone and the thought of going back to work can be overwhelming and less than desirable.


Consider the following tips from themuse for a smooth return to work after the holidays:


  1. Schedule a Short Week
    1. If it is possible on your first day back in the office midweek, schedule your day to not be as long as possible. If you ease your way back into work, the first day back might not seem as long and overwhelming.
  2. Come Back Refreshed
    1. Make sure you are well rested and organized for your week (even if it is short) so you do not feel rushed in the morning before work. Furthermore, make sure you take time to clear your mind – do what you need to do to not feel burnt out.
  3. Treat Yourself
    1. Be sure to take time for yourself and go for an extra walk or get that massage you have been looking forward to.
  4. Arrive with Time to Spare
    1. We all know we need the extra 10 minutes in the morning before getting out of bed, but be sure to get up on time so you are not forgetting your lunch and spilling your coffee on the way out the door
  5. Don?? Overcommit
    1. Often times we will try to jam pack events into the week of Christmas or new years to make sure we share our time equally. Well??be sure to think about your well-being and take it easy on the plans. (I promise you will be tired.)


As we near the end of 2019, be sure to reflect back on your favorite parts of the year and your not-so-happy times of the year. We all grow, learn, and have new goals in the coming year, be sure to write yours down and so that you do not lose track.


In case you need to hear this today??Your greatest responsibility is to love yourself and to know YOU ARE ENOUGH.


The more you love yourself, the less nonsense you will tolerate – unknown