Solute – Advanced Educational Of TMS Therapy

Break It Down: A Wealth of TMS Knowledge at Your Fingertips

When you have a question nowadays, you just ask Siri, or say, ??ey Google??€?and voila, your question is answered.  So little effort for such a quick reward!

Sure, this works great when you want to know the lyrics to the latest catchy pop song on the radio, or how to make waffles.  But when it comes to researching something that is going to have a profound impact on your life, like buying a house, or a medical procedure??iri just doesn?? cut it.

While we may not head to the Encyclopedia Britannica?? anymore, we dive headlong into Internet research scouring countless articles, comparing notes, and verifying sources to ensure we??e getting info from credible sources.

This is even more pronounced when you??e researching a new medical procedure you??e never heard of before.  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy, or TMS, anyone?

Here at TMS Solutions, we realize that a great majority of our patients, including some doctors, don?? know what TMS is, what it treats, and how it works.  For that, we??e put together an incredibly fact-filled website, full of easy to grasp videos, blog articles (like this!) and patient testimonials.  For many, this will be enough information to make an informed decision. For others, it?? only the tip of the iceberg.

No, for others, they won?? be satisfied until they understand their query on a microscopic level.  They want the latest, most authoritative news and voices directly from the field.

Enter TMS Solute.

The Solute is a collection of the latest publications, including past articles, that explore repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation??ot just in the fields of depression and anxiety, but also those areas of medicine TMS is branching into.

By definition, according to Merriam-Webster (the online version, of course??ho has a dictionary lying around anymore?) a solute is ?? dissolved substance.??nbsp; The TMS Solute is a place for all that information to be disseminated.  This is helpful not only for patients, it?? a definitive go-to resource for doctors and medical professionals to inform themselves and their patients.

This collection of information isn?? something that?? just thrown on a webpage and forgotten.  The Solute is carefully curated by Bob Sammons, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer of TMS Solutions, and Tim Denniston, COO.  Dr. Sammons is constantly at the forefront of TMS therapy??ow and where it?? being used, and what new frontiers it?? being considered for.

The best part?  It?? FREE.  Just enter your name and email address, then continue.  Find articles by their most recent publish date, or search by topic.  Topics include bipolar depression, PTSD, autism, even addiction, and more.

There?? also an option at the bottom of the page to subscribe via email, so you never miss the latest article to land in the Solute.

If you??e one of the inquisitive minds who needs the latest, most in-depth knowledge about TMS and its pulse in the medical world, look no further than the TMS Solute.  And while you??e there, ask Siri to play that catchy pop song in the background while you read.
