TRICARE Covers TMS Therapy for Vets with Depression

Exciting news for active military and veterans suffering from depression!


Christopher Blackburn, co-founder of TMS Solutions, with locations in Grand Junction, CO, Denver, CO, and Boise, ID is enthusiastically reaching out to his patients who are veterans. Blackburn said that TRICARE recently announced to its members that TMS Therapy is now covered in their policy, making it available as a treatment for medication resistant patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Blackburn also noted that while TMS is currently only indicated for depression, it can also be effective in treating the PTSD and anxiety veterans face when they return from active duty.

The TMS Therapy benefit is not a part of a pilot or demonstration program, but is now written policy as a TRICARE benefit. For more information, visit the TRICARE website.

TMS Therapy is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment. It is an outpatient treatment without anesthesia; the patient can drive themselves to and from their appointment. For more information visit our website:, call Christopher Blackburn at 970-697-1020 or schedule a consultation to learn more about the TRICARE coverage of TMS Therapy.
